BFA Essay

Autumn Mariano
Visual Communication Emphasis

Design is a powerful tool that can be used to reshape the world and how people interact with it and each other. It has the ability to influence people to do good. I believe that visual communication and design thinking can make social change happen. I didn’t always see it this way though.

During my first semester at Weber State, I was part of a book club that was discussing a book about sustainability. Afterwards, I was having a conversation with the geology professor who had been leading our meeting. He asked me what I was majoring in, and I told him I was interested in the graphic design program. Immediately after that I added, “but I think I might want to do something a little more important, something that will make a difference.” What he said next changed my entire outlook on the field of design and my future career. He told me that design is fundamental to environmental efforts, or any cause for that matter. He explained that someone could have the most impactful idea in the world, but it’s useless if no one knows about it. It’s up to designers to give voice to messages that might otherwise be overlooked or unnoticed. 
That moment lit a fire underneath me that has fueled my passion and enthusiasm for design ever since.

My biggest influence has been contemporary American designer Noah Scalin. In 2001, Scalin founded Another Limited Rebellion, a socially-conscious design firm. This firm is dedicated to creating high quality artwork for clients who share their views on social responsibility. Aside form the incredible philosophy of this firm, I am also inspired by the design work that comes out of it. Their work is always conceptually strong and uses photographs of found object configurations, paper cut outs, and illustrations to make their designs come to life. 
Scalin is also the co-author of the Design Activist’s Handbook. In this book, he explains that everyone can be a design activist, you just need to start small and set attainable goals. He emphasizes that it’s possible to align your career with your values making it so you can feel good about the work you do and the impact it has. 

Now more than ever is the time to be a design activist. It’s become easy for designers to distribute their work to wider audiences using the internet. 
This is an exciting idea to me. It’s what motivates me to work hard in school and learn to be a great visual communicator. The messages I choose to convey deserve the most effective champion they can.

Things like color, type, composition, strong concept and bold imagery working together speak to people like nothing else does. It moves them, influences them. As designers, we need to use our creative persuasiveness to make a positive impact. I hope that throughout my life I am able to work on projects and with clients who share this belief and passion. 

Identification Document

1 -  MARIANO, "Here & Now - Magazine Design", Adobe InDesign, 8" x 10", 
Typography and Publication Design, 2013

2 - MARIANO, "MLK Freedom March", Adobe Illustrator, 11" x 17", self directed, 2014

3 - MARIANO, "Green Tracker", Adobe Illustrator, 2"x 3", History of Design, 2013

4 - MARIANO, "Signpost Infographics & Illustrations",  Adobe Illustrator, various sizes, 

self-directed, 2013-2014

5 - MARIANO, "Sachplakat Posters", Adobe Illustrator, 11" x 17", Design Theory, 2014

6 - MARIANO, "Type Rules - Similarities", Adobe Illustrator, 19" x 13", 

Typography and Publication Design, 2013

7 - MARIANO, "Metaphor", Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop, 12.25" x 8.5", 

Typography and Publication Design, 2013

8 - MARIANO, "Photography", DSLR Camera and Adobe Photoshop, 9" x 6", 

Photography: Color/Digital, 2013

1 Autumn Mariano BFA: Here & Now - Magazine Design

Follow the link to view an interactive version of the magazine:

1: MARIANO, "Here & Now - Magazine Design", Adobe InDesign, 8" x 10",
Typography and Publication Design, 2013

Our assignment was to take an existing magazine and either redesign it, or create an original magazine of the same genre. Influenced by TIME Magazine, I created Here & Now, a news magazine geared towards college students. Taking articles from the internet, I had to visually organize the text along with photos and graphic elements to create a clean and easy to read layout.

2 Autumn Mariano BFA: MLK Freedom March

2: MARIANO, "MLK Freedom March", Adobe Illustrator, 11" x 17",
self directed, 2014

As a part of the WSUSA (WSU Student Association), I was commissioned to create this poster for the Center for Diversity & Unity to promote their MLK Day event.

3 Autumn Mariano BFA: Green Tracker

Follow this link to view an interactive version of Green Tracker:

3: MARIANO, "Green Tracker", Adobe Illustrator, 2" x 3",
History of Design, 2013

After learning about design activism, our assignment was to seek out a problem and use design thinking to come up with a solution. I came up with "Green Tracker", a mobile app/game used to help people develop environmentally friendly habits. The user can log their 'green' actions daily and receive points for their efforts, earning badges all along the way.

4 Autumn Mariano BFA: Signpost Infographics & Illustrations


4: MARIANO, "Signpost Infographics & Illustrations", Adobe Illustrator, various sizes
self-directed, 2013-2014

Each infographic and illustration here was created to accompany a specific article for The Signpost in both the print and web versions. When a reporter requests a graphic, we sit down together and come up with an idea that will illustrate the important information in their article. The purpose of these graphics is to quickly communicate the main idea and draw the reader into the actual article.

5 Autumn Mariano BFA: Sachplakat Posters

5: MARIANO, "Sachplakat Posters", Adobe Illustrator, 11" x 17",
Design Theory, 2014

After learning about Lucian Bernhard and sachplakat (object posters), our assignment was to create our own version of this style of poster. I created two versions. One showing the object denotatively, and another that creates associative meaning by adding a signifying word.

6 Autumn Mariano BFA: Type Rules - Similarities

6: MARIANO, "Type Rules - Similarities", Adobe Illustrator, 19" x 13",
Typography and Publication Design, 2013

The objective of this assignment was to visually portray a specific rule of typography by using minimal imagery. This allows the type itself to relay the intended message.

7 Autumn Mariano BFA: Metaphor

7: MARIANO, "Metaphor", Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop, 12.25" x 8.5",
Typography & Publication Design, 2013

Our assignment was to create a cover for Metaphor, Weber State's literary/art journal. The theme was 'air', so I chose to create a scene with clouds containing text from a poem called Marginalia, which talks about reading and interacting with literature.

8 Autumn Mariano BFA: Photography

8 - MARIANO, "Photography", DSLR Camera and Adobe Photoshop, 9" x 6",
Photography: Color/Digital, 2013

For my color photography class, we were given weekly shooting assignments to give us an opportunity to photograph many different subjects. The first two are macro/detail shots. My objective was to show how interesting and beautiful certain objects can be when you get up close and really appreciate their details and nuances. The second two are portraits with which I was trying to capture the personality of the subject.

See more of my photography by following this link:

Explore a website I designed and coded by following this link: